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Developmental Soul-based Mentoring Programs

for Personal, Professional, and Spiritual Evolution


This work helps you to live your soul’s mystery and power into the world, whilst navigating and responding to your personal and wider challenges of our planet today.

We incorporate the healing aspects of therapy, the empowering/outcome oriented aspects of coaching, and go beyond each of these into the territory of the soul journey within your human experience.

Attend to a timely project, soul-task, upgrade, concern, or major life re-alignment.

Come in from your walk along the path of your life…let’s sit down together at the virtual sacred fire for the gathering of wisdom and strengthen your connection to yourSelf…take these treasures and prepare to walk the next part of your path, applying what you are learning, directly to your life. Till we sit once more…

What is your highest possibility?


Your vision?

The unique gifts you ARE?

What is the truth in your heart?


What do you long for?

What needs to change? 

Do you need a bit of support with a complex issue?

Discover More of You

Often people don't know what they are carrying inside until they begin to share it with someone who really, genuinely, wants to hear it, and when that someone teases it out with genuinely curious, intuitive, incisive questions. Then out it comes...The painful stuff, and the gold. You learn about yourself as we go, find yourself on an archetypal or mythical map and perhaps you begin to make more sense to yourself, more at home and unburdened. We can explore your callings, longings, and address your concerns also on a practical level.


The dance of this artful mentoring is rich, both narrowing in on efficient, practical, and forward-moving positive action, as well as zooming out wide to honour the Mystery or the wild at play in your life experience. Meanwhile, your internal landscape may be a tender ground of exploration, sometimes needing to unpack, release, or resolve. You bring to the session what you feel is most 'up' for you and we follow the trail to the place or levels of relevance, leaving you different from where we started.

Perhaps you will also feel something so many people long for -  A sense of intimacy with their own soul, and the web of life. 

Welcome to the virtual sacred fire where we sit for potent engagement.

The Soul-based Mentoring Programs support you to that commitment to live your authentic Self, and path of psycho-spiritual maturity. With such support, it is easier to overcome, or consciously work with, what typically gets in the way, e.g. distractions, overwhelm, and the gravity of our default settings that keep us using the same coping mechanisms and staying in our comfort zones.


This journey of soul-based development is an invitation to discover more of your inner landscape, mytho-poetic identity, and a deepened sense of the sacred dimension of your life.

This journey encourages a re-acquaintance and homecoming with our soul sensitivity and a soulful and wakeful way of being, guided by your heart, vision, and purpose. 

We free up layers of what has been stuck or frozen in your body-mind consciousness and move beyond fear to cultivate a life navigated by awareness, truth, and connection.

In the process, you are addressing the matters on your mind, and head in the desired direction. You have the opportunity to regain a sense of connection, clarity, and depth. 

And, we listen to voice the life that wants to be lived through you

What is it like? How does it work?


Your mentoring program offers you a robust, truthful, and direct presence in your life. The conversations between us aim to engage you at the level of your highest, wisest Self, yet also with your heart, and the parts of self that feel most vulnerable.


This style of communication between both parties supports total authenticity and awareness, encouraging you to bring forth from within that which you may surprise you, is ready to emerge.


This soul-level interaction, and the commitment between both parties encourages and tracks your growth from one stage of psycho-spiritual development to the next.

The input and guidance you receive is completely individualized and offered with respect to your view of the world, working with the unfolding of your very next step. What you bring to the sessions from your current life experience serves as a doorway to the language of the soul. To support you with your next step you may be asked to weave in exercises, practices, and life experiences that integrate and extend the work done in session. At times, a personal ritual is suggested and guidance for this offered.

This mentorship offers a long-distance and potentially long-term alliance. Six-week programs, 3 months, or 6 months, typically via phone, FaceTime, or Zoom.

If you feel ready to undertake this soul-based mentorship please get in touch via the contact page or phone +61402130972 to have a chat.

Are you ready?

We start with a simple 15-minute phone/video call to chat about what is going on in your inner and outer worlds that brings you to this point. I will ask you questions and share with you relevant information that helps you to decide whether working together is right for you.



If we decide this work is right for you, you will then book in your first online appointment, and we will map out your program. Usually this is 6 x online/phone fortnightly sessions, which may be all you need, or, we might be only just beginning!

You will receive a Welcome Pack that gives you all the info you need to get started.

Your first session includes an added free 30min on top of the standard hour.


Session 1 - up to 90 min

Sessions 2-6 - 60 min each

Meet weekly, fortnightly, or monthly (pending availability and according to your needs).


Sessions are based on a standard hourly rate of $240AUD and your savings options are below:

6-session packs =  10% discount

3- session packs = 5% discount

Payment plans can be discussed.

Text +614 02130972 to book a introductory discovery call or email through the contact page.



The mentoring program here is distinct from psychology or coaching, and is something the individual needs to be ready for as there is a radical level of engagement taken to one’s life.

You get the benefits of working with someone who has previously served as a qualified psychologist and coach, whilst now standing apart from both of these modalities into a unique body of work that encompasses our humanity and soulful spirituality.

Whilst this work is not psychology, mentoring does offer opportunity for cognitive restructuring and healing/honouring of the felt world. And like coaching, mentoring offers the active principle of aligning one’s outer world to the truth of the inner and seeing real, on-the-ground changes in life/relationship/work.


What is unique about mentoring is that we create an open dynamic in which you are given teachings, guidance, and the challenge of full accountability to your soul’s evolution. 

This approach requires full self-ownership and is available for when you have come to the realization that you are indeed responsible for your experience and are willing to work with the power of that creative capacity.

Common outcomes of the mentoring journey include, greater self-mastery, awareness, shift from ego to soul sense of self, readiness to overcome hesitancy to ground a major life transition, personal wellbeing and healthier relationships.


Although the work can be an internal and spiritual endeavour, clients often make decisions that reflect outwardly into the world. They often realign their work, relationship dynamics, and way of living to their values, purpose and vision.

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